Applicants: Applicant 1, Applicant 2
The purpose of my/our application is to: Purchase, Refinance, Renovate/Home Improvements, Construction, Consolidate Debt
Intended use: Owner Occupied or Personal Use, Investment, Test specific intend use
I/We want a: Combination of Fixed & Variable Rate Loan - A portion of the loan(30 percent of loan)
Preferred overall length of loan: I am looking for a specific loan term of - 246months
I/We would like to: Pay principal & interest repayments, Pay interest only until property is fully built, Get a transaction account, Make additional payments, Redraw - access available funds that have been paid above min pay, Get a credit card (if possible), Get an offset account, Pay interest only payments for - (3 Years)
If you have any requirements or objectives for your loan that have not been covered above, please outline these below: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla in nisl ac nisl egestas dapibus. Donec aliquam dui eu metus tincidunt, sed dapibus erat accumsan. Aenean vehicula sagittis ante eu placerat. Vivamus libero felis, dapibus sed ante nec, elementum feugiat magna. Vestibulum malesuada ex ut convallis molestie. Nulla sagittis, arcu quis rutrum sagittis, elit magna rutrum nibh, quis consectetur neque enim vel dolor. Nunc eu tincidunt elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus nibh, scelerisque non magna non, faucibus euismod urna.
Will the applicants benefit from taking this loan: No (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla in nisl ac nisl egestas dapibus. Donec aliquam dui eu metus tincidunt, sed dapibus erat accumsan. Aenean vehicula sagittis ante eu placerat. Vivamus libero felis, dapibus sed ante nec, elementum feugiat magna. Vestibulum malesuada ex ut convallis molestie. Nulla sagittis, arcu quis rutrum sagittis, elit magna rutrum nibh, quis consectetur neque enim vel dolor. Nunc eu tincidunt elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus nibh, scelerisque non magna non, faucibus euismod urna.)
Mr Shubhankar Ghosh
E-mail Address:
Mobile phone: 9154445235
Date of birth: 06/08/2020
Gender: Male
Identification Type: Passport
ID Number: XXYYZZ325476
ID Expiry Date: 12/08/2020
Marital status: Single
No. of dependants: 2
Age of dependants: 5 year(s), 62 year(s)
First Home Buyer? Yes
Residency Status:
Temporary Resident
Type of visa: TeMP
Current Residential Address:
Unit Number: 3T
Street Number: 45
Street Name: Bentic Street
State: Aus
Postcode: 45623
Current Residential: Home has mortgage
Date Moved There: 30/08/2019
Other Address [1]:
Unit Number: 123
Street Number: 34
Street Name: ewafwef
State: fsdfsadfsd
Postcode: 436436
This address: Own home (paid off)
Moved in: 16/11/2018
Moved out: 30/09/2020
Other Address [2]:
Unit Number: 2145
Street Number: 5676
Street Name: zvb
State: xcbbdfg
Postcode: 3253
This address: Live with parents/relatives
Moved in: 21/09/2010
Moved out: 04/09/2020
Mrs Suchitra Ghosh
E-mail Address:
Mobile phone: 678324329
Date of birth: 06/09/2006
Gender: Female
Identification Type: Passport
ID Number: DHLLSP56328
ID Expiry Date: 16/09/2020
Marital status: Married
No. of dependants: 0
Age of dependants:
First Home Buyer? Yes
Residency Status:
Current Residential Address:
Unit Number: 324
Street Number: 5645
Street Name: Ffdgdf
State: Whksdjjf
Postcode: 678
Country: Australia
Current Residential: Rent/Board
Date Moved There: 09/09/2011
Employment Type: Employed (PAYG)
Title of my job: TEst
Job Type: Full-time
Employer's name: Shubha
Employer's address:
Unit Number: 234
Street Number: 6546
Street Name: sdgsdg
Suburb: afdgh
State: fdhdfh
Postcode: 345436
Date Started: 06/09/2007
Previous employment 1:
Previous job title: fasf
Status: fasf
Employer's name: TYUdsbj
Employer's address:
Unit Number: 213
Street Number: sdfdsgds
Street Name: gdsg
Suburb : sdgsdg
State: 2332532
Start Date: 13/09/2012
Previous employment 2:
Previous job title: safasfs
Status: asfasfas
Employer's name: fasfas
Employer's address:
Unit Number: 213asd
Street Number: sdfdsgdssad
Street Name: gdsgsad
Suburb : sdgsdgdas
State: 2332532asd
Postcode: 4325
Start Date: 21/09/2004
Other Employment Details:
Job title: waesfdghg
Status: dsfgn
Employer's name: sdfghjk
Employer's address:
Unit Number: 2345
Street Number: 2345
Street Name: asdf
Suburb: dfgasdfvb23546
State: dsgfh
Postcode: 34567
Start Date: 25/09/2013
End Date: 27/09/2012
Main Employment: NA
Secondary Employment: Fortnightly Gross Income - 35
Rental Income: Monthly Income - 34
Family Tax Benefits: Fortnightly Income - 34
Age Pension: Weekly Income - 332
Disability Pensionn: Annually Income - 324
Company profits: Monthly Gross Income - 33
Others: Fortnightly Income - 435
Tax free income: Fortnightly Income - 435
Employment Type: Self Employed (Business)
Title of my job: Odsbhfgd
Job Type: Part-time
Employer's name: Self
Employer's address:
Unit Number: 35
Street Number: 435345
Street Name: gdfgfd
Suburb: gdfh
State: dfhdf46
Postcode: 546546
Date Started: 03/09/2004
Other Employment Details:
Job title: sadsad
Status: sadasdasdas
Employer's name: dasdasdsadas
Employer's address:
Unit Number: dasdsa
Street Number: dasd
Street Name: asd
Suburb: asdas
State: dasdasd
Postcode: 423432
Start Date: 02/09/2020
End Date: 04/09/2020
Main Employment: NA
Secondary Employment: NA
Rental Income: NA
Family Tax Benefits: Annually Income - 324
Age Pension: Weekly Income - 3243
Disability Pensionn: Weekly Income - 324
Company profits: Monthly Gross Income - 678
Others: Weekly Income - 345
Tax free income: Fortnightly Income - 78
Real estate 1:
Address: kokata
Purpose: Owner Occupied
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value: 23532
Is this property mortgaged? yes
Lender Details:
Lender name: fasf
Loan Limit: 235325
Balance owing: 3532
Payment Type: Principal & Interest
Frequency: Weekly
Amount: 23
Real estate 2:
Address: dsgds
Purpose: Investment
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value: 32546
Is this property mortgaged? no
Real estate 3:
Address: asfsafasfsaf
Purpose: Owner Occupied
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value: 23546
Is this property mortgaged? yes
Lender Details:
Lender name: asdgfhj
Loan Limit: 65435
Balance owing: 657
Payment Type: Interest Only payments
Frequency: Monthly
Amount: 234
Motor Vehicle 1:
Make & Model: motor
Ownership: Applicant 1
Year: 4
Estimated value: 678
Bank Account 1:
Acct. Holder: Applicant 1
Bank/Financial Institution: fdsfsdf
Current Balance: 345354
Bank Account 2:
Acct. Holder: Applicant 1
Bank/Financial Institution: safsf
Current Balance: 43576
Bank Account 3:
Acct. Holder: Applicant 1
Bank/Financial Institution: sadfgf
Current Balance: 345
Home Content 1:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 45754
Home Content 2:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 24
Home Content 3:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 4643643
Superannuation 1:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 325
Superannuation 2:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 35
Superannuation 3:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 23
Share 1:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 3535
Share 2:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 769
Share 3:
Ownership: Applicant 1
Amount: 235
Credit Card 1:
Lender: visa
Credit Limit: 567
Balance Owing: 23
Account Holder: Applicant 1
Credit Card 2:
Lender: discover
Credit Limit: 7898
Balance Owing: 76
Account Holder: Applicant 1
Car Loans 1:
Loan Lender: bgdbdf
Loan Owing: 3454
Repayment Frequency: ewre
Repayment Amount: 456
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Car Loans 2:
Loan Lender: sadds
Loan Owing: 345
Repayment Frequency: monthly
Repayment Amount: 34
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Car Loans 3:
Loan Lender: gsdgfd
Loan Owing: 768
Repayment Frequency: weekly
Repayment Amount: 435
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Personal Loans 1:
Loan Lender: fhgfd
Loan Owing: 43643
Repayment Frequency: mmm
Repayment Amount: 435
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Personal Loans 2:
Loan Lender: hgfhfg
Loan Owing: 62
Repayment Frequency: mghjgh
Repayment Amount: 345
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Personal Loans 3:
Loan Lender: hgfhgf
Loan Owing: 6456
Repayment Frequency: hdjgh
Repayment Amount: 435
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Student Loans 1:
Loan Owing: 3235
Repayment Frequency: dgdsg
Repayment Amount: 32
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Student Loans 2:
Loan Owing: 235
Repayment Frequency: dsgsd
Repayment Amount: 235
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Student Loans 3:
Loan Owing: 325
Repayment Frequency: gsdg
Repayment Amount: 325
Loan Holder: Applicant 1
Tax Liability 1:
Owing: 32235
Repayment Frequency: dfgfdg
Repayment Amount: 35
Holder: Applicant 1
Tax Liability 2:
Owing: 53253
Repayment Frequency: gfdg
Repayment Amount: 656
Holder: Applicant 1
Tax Liability 3:
Owing: 5235
Repayment Frequency: dfgdfg
Repayment Amount: 757
Holder: Applicant 1
Are any of the above debts being paid out by the proposed loan? Yes
Details: sdgsdgds
Are you a tax resident of any other country other than Australia? Yes
Details: dsgdsg
Are you behind or making late payments on any of your liabilities? Yes
Details: dsgdsg
Do you know of any bad credit history entered against your name in the last 5 years? Yes
Details: sdgsdgsdfg
Planned Retirement Age:
Applicant 1: asgsdg
Applicant 2: 70
Loan exit or maintenance strategy (**only required if the loan term will continue past the age of 65 for any applicant): Downsize the property, Use superannuation balance, Sell other property, Use savings balance, Plan to work past age 65, sagsdgdfgafdg
Rent/Board (which you will continue to pay after taking this loan)
Ownership: Joint
Estimated Value($): 657
Comments / Reason for nil expense: fdhsfd
Estimated Value(%):
34% & 4%
Child Support
Ownership: Joint
Estimated Value($): 54
Comments / Reason for nil expense: hdfh
Estimated Value(%):
3% & 43%
Clothing & Personal Care (including shoes, cosmetics, personal care etc)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 435
Comments / Reason for nil expense: fdhsdfhfd
Estimated Value(%):
Groceries (e.g. Typical supermarket shopping for groceries including food and meat etc)
Ownership: Joint
Estimated Value($): 345
Comments / Reason for nil expense: hsdfhfd
Estimated Value(%):
5% & 54%
Medical/Health and pharmaceuticals (excluding health insurance which is categorised separately below)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 34565
Comments / Reason for nil expense: fdhsfdh
Estimated Value(%):
Owner Occupied Property Utilities & Related Costs (e.g. Rates, Water, Strata, Electricity, Gas, repairs & maintenance etc) (excluding home & contents insurance)
Ownership: Joint
Estimated Value($): 43
Comments / Reason for nil expense: dfhsdfh
Estimated Value(%):
23% & 546%
Investment Property Utilities & Related Costs (e.g. Council rates, Water rates, Strata, repairs & maintenance etc) (excluding building/landlord insurance)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 645
Comments / Reason for nil expense: dfhs
Estimated Value(%):
Transport vehicle running costs including fuel, servicing, parking and tolls (excluding motor vehicle insurance)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 435
Comments / Reason for nil expense: fshdf
Estimated Value(%):
Childcare / Daycare (after rebates) including babysitters/nannies
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 76
Comments / Reason for nil expense: hsdfhfd
Estimated Value(%):
Education costs (preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary) including books and uniforms etc.
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 435
Comments / Reason for nil expense: hdfshfdh
Estimated Value(%):
General Insurance (e.g. building, contents, landlord and motor vehicle insurance)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 78
Comments / Reason for nil expense: reyer
Estimated Value(%):
Health Insurance
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 56
Comments / Reason for nil expense: rshfdh
Estimated Value(%):
Other Insurance (inc Life insurance, income protection and total and perm disability etc.)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 65
Comments / Reason for nil expense: xfghgfhdsfh
Estimated Value(%):
Telephone/Mobile, Internet, Pay TV and Steaming subscriptions
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 21
Comments / Reason for nil expense: dfshdfh
Estimated Value(%):
Recreation / Entertainment (including restaurants, alcohol, tobacco, gym memberships, holidays etc.)
Ownership: Applicant 1
Estimated Value($): 34
Comments / Reason for nil expense: dfshdfhfd
Estimated Value(%):
Are you aware of any other information relevant to your application that has not been provided and could have an adverse impact on your financial circumstances? Yes, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a lacus et mauris faucibus dignissim. Nullam sapien massa, imperdiet eget laoreet pretium, porttitor vel erat. Fusce magna magna, aliquam ultricies pharetra at, tincidunt et leo. Cras dignissim leo elementum nulla vehicula, non laoreet libero tincidunt. Praesent convallis tempor vestibulum. Fusce eu erat cursus, maximus nulla eget, tempus nisi. Sed volutpat, dui ut volutpat ultrices, orci risus rhoncus ex, vitae tristique diam nibh eu enim.
Are you aware of any change in your employment which may adversely affect your ability to meet your current and future financial obligations? Yes, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a lacus et mauris faucibus dignissim. Nullam sapien massa, imperdiet eget laoreet pretium, porttitor vel erat. Fusce magna magna, aliquam ultricies pharetra at, tincidunt et leo. Cras dignissim leo elementum nulla vehicula, non laoreet libero tincidunt. Praesent convallis tempor vestibulum. Fusce eu erat cursus, maximus nulla eget, tempus nisi. Sed volutpat, dui ut volutpat ultrices, orci risus rhoncus ex, vitae tristique diam nibh eu enim.
I declare that the information contained within this factfind is true and complete.
I understand that any loan recommendation made will be based upon the information contained within this form.
I understand that this information will be disclosed to the lender and related parties in the assessment of my/our application.
I authorise a credit check to be conducted on all applicants.