Accepting your loan offer
Accepting your loan offer
The next step after your cooling off period ends and you have paid the deposit on your purchase is to sign and accept the loan offer made by the lender.
Our office will make a time to go through these loan documents to ensure you understand all the terms and conditions of the loan you are accepting.
If you are happy with the facilities approved for you, we can proceed and sign these documents and have them returned to the lender. If we require changes, we will request those changes from the lender before signing the documents.
A lot of lenders are now starting to move to electronic acceptance of the loan offer however we can always request paper documents if this is your preference.
Once your loan offer documents are returned, the lender will check these documents to ensure they are signed off correctly. Once this process has been completed, the lender will inform your solicitor/conveyancer that they are ready to fund your loan.